
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Looking for a Surrogate Mother? Let a Surrogacy Agency Lead You to the Perfect Match

For some couples, having a child can be difficult, if not seemingly unattainable. This might be due to fertility issues, sexual orientation, or perhaps caused by an underlying medical condition. Through recent medical advancements, however, these parents-to-be now have the option of having their child through surrogacy.

Choosing a surrogate mother, however, is not as simple as seeking a new friend. After all, this will be the person who will be carrying, protecting, and nourishing your child until it enters the world for the first time.

Diligent care is a must in your part to find the right match. Here are some of the factors you should consider in finding a surrogate mother. Read more from this blog. http://bit.ly/2p0j1ru

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

How to Become a Surrogate Mother and Experience its Wonderful Benefits?

The reason behind a couple’s decision to choose surrogacy is not exactly a secret; these couples are unable to carry a pregnancy to term due to medical reasons. The reason behind a woman’s decision to become a surrogate mother, however, is not always apparent. After all, it’s difficult to see the motivation in carrying another person’s baby for nine months.

According to popular belief, women choose to be surrogate mothers for the money. The truth, however, is that these women have varied reasons behind their choice of becoming a surrogate mother, with money being the least of their motivations. Surrogate mothers are now coming forward and sharing their stories on why they chose this path, and their stories might inspire you to become a surrogate mother yourself. Read more on this article. http://bit.ly/2p0kbDj

Experts Debunk the Most Common Myths and Misconceptions about Surrogacy

For some couples, having their own children is easier said than done. Some of these women suffer from medical conditions that prevent them from attempting pregnancy, while others have simply exhausted all other options yet still can’t carry a pregnancy to term.

In the past few years, surrogacy has been one of the most popular options for couples having trouble with pregnancy. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology has revealed that the number of babies born through surrogates doubled between 2004 and 2008.

Despite this, some people remain wary of surrogacy, mostly due to false beliefs about the process. Let experts dispel and contradict these myths and misconceptions about the process. Read more from this blog. http://bit.ly/2psLhi2